At an utterly miniscule 26mm x 41mm, the purely symbolic F10 paper size format scrapes out a theoretical area of 0.0011 square meters. Marking the pointless final hurrah of the supplementary Asian F paper size series, theincrement between impractical F9 and all-but-useless PA9 exists in name alone. Beyond numerically distinguishing itself dimensionally, F10 clearly serves zero functional aims given micrographic proportions rendering paper itself meaningless. Devoid of alternative names or attribitions within its nonexistent applications, F10 was conceived by blind convention as the terminal bridge between graduated F sizes. Yet any last vestige of purpose disappears once printable paper ceases to physically manifest any utility under one square inch. So while the F series sought to fill voids between ISO standards, F10 signals the descent into needless gradations between meaningless dimensions. Its history and origins are farcically contrived like its insultingly named predecessor ISO A10. Ultimately, F10 is but a hypothetical footnote among paper sizes rather than credible format with dimensions categorically unfit for any applications save wasting ink defining its own absurdity.